Advertisement Product description:With an aim to offer a platform to the students to express their ideas, talent and creativity, Aryakul Group of Colleges organized the annual fest “Aryodaya-2019” which saw its final day on Saturday through the core cultural segment “Aryasanskriti” in the two day fest. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Smriti Singh, Director of MahilaSamakhyaSamiti,Uttar Pradesh with the lamp lightening ceremony. Turning the college campus into one colorful place with various art installations and festive décor, the students from four houses of the college namely Takshila, Nalanda, Ujjain and Vallabhi participated with a new vigour and enthusiasm. Aryasanskriti was a series of cultural events where students got a chance to showcase their talent in the field of dance, singing, mimicry, mime, stand-up comedy, ramp show and various other activities. Representing the theme “Cultural Shades of India”, students performed dance and singing highlighting the different cultures. Youngsters also raised concerns over social issues like Female foeticide, dowry system, Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan through their skit. It took no time to grab the attention of the audience with the mind blowing performances. The stage came alive with spectacular dance performances highlighting the Indian Culture. The attractive costumes, fluid dance movements and fascinating props made it tough for the judges to decide the winner. Another event that caught the fancy of the students was the glamorous ramp show where students showcased the best outfits in both Indian as well as western attires based on which the title of Ms. Aryakul won by AparnaYadav, a student of D.El.Ed whereas Mr. Aryakul won by Akash Kumar, a student of B.Pharm. The event was concluded with the kind words of Sashakt Singh, Managing Director, Aryakul Group of Colleges. |