Advertisement Product description:Chapati Warmer (MITEC-653)
Listed for chapati warmer manufacturers suppliers in India Stainless Steel With Mild Steel Angle Frame
Glass wool insulated filling is given. On / off switch with Temperature controller by which temperature can be controlled upto 110 deg C, Double walled structure, 2 indicator lights for machine ON and load indicator, high quality heating elements of kanthal wire. The door is fitted with a glass for better view of inner chamber, tags for Chapati Warmer suppliers, Chapati Warmer manufacturers in india
Features : 400 Chapatis with 2 trays 600 Chapatis with 3 trays 800 Chapatis with 3 trays 1200 Chapatis with 4 trays 1600 Chapati with 4 trays
Equipment: Brand New, MICRATECH make, model no: MITEC-653 Condition: Excellent, please send inquiry at sales [at] micratechnologies com To inquire prices and details, contact/email below : Regd. Office & works : MICRA TECHNOLOGIES Ambala Cantt, Haryana visit : micratechnologies com contact: 9034 784 717
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