Advertisement Product description:1- Job offer for everyone who need it. Anyone can join house wife’s, students. home based part time work daily working 2-3 hours Offline data entry work home based part Apply house wife student senior citizen also work from home based job earn weekly 3500 to 4000work from home. 1. Simple & easy working method. 2. Long term work is available because of media based. 3. Wanted both male / female 4. Basic Computer Knowledge Needed PAYMENT SCHEDULE: - WEEKLY Payment WhatsApp me your name for more details.
2-Data entry typing only ms-word WORK LOAD: 150 Pages PER week SALARY: - 4000/- to 6000/- weekly just call now Off line work Data entry & Ad posting / sms sending part time home based job work from home part time home base work no typing only data formatting work per assignment - 150 pages per page cost - 30/- Rs weekly earn – 4500/-basic knowledge of ms word simple computer work 3- Home based part-time job Data Based typing and Book typing Offline work We are providing complete home based jobs with weekly payment on every Monday. JOB DETAILS 1) Simple typing job. & Data formatting job 2) Anyone who have Laptop or Pc can do this job. 3) Spend daily 2 to 3 hrs of your free time. 4) Weekly payment to your bank account. 5) No targets. No time limits to the work. 6) Basic computer knowledge is enough. Earn daily Rs.300/- to Rs.800/- Payment mode- Weekly basis cash & account | Website | Not Available | Phone | | | | | |
Posted By : VARSHASYAM | | Posted On : Sunday, February 3, 2019 | Category : Others/Others | | Location : Brittany/Brest | Advt ID : 225995 | | | | | |
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